Transaction Center
Time to bring it home. Find zipForm®, transaction tools, and all the closing resources you'll need. Except for the champagne — that's on you.
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All Shareable Reports All Interactive DashboardsCatch up with the latest outreaches and webinars by the Research and Economics team.
C.A.R. conducts survey research with members and consumers on a regular basis to get a better understanding of the housing market and the real estate industry.
California Model MLS Rules, Issues Briefing Papers, and other articles and materials related to MLS policy.
Looking for information on how to file an interboard arbitration complaint? You've come to the right place! Find the rules, timeline and filing documents here.
Summaries and photos of California REALTORS® who violated the Code of Ethics and were disciplined with a fine, letter of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion.
The most recent edition of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of REALTORS® along with other important links to NAR information.
The California Professional Standards Reference Manual, Local Association Forms, NAR materials and other materials related to Code of Ethics enforcement and arbitration.
C.A.R. advocates for REALTOR® issues in Washington D.C., Sacramento and in city and county governments throughout California.
CREPAC, LCRC, IMPAC, ALF and the RAF comprise C.A.R.'s political fundraising arm.
REALTOR® Action FundLearn how you can make a difference, by getting involved yourself or by passing along valuable information to your clients.
C.A.R.'s success in the legislative and political arenas depends largely on the participation of individual members. You can make a difference in many ways. We need you to step up and take action.
Your contributions make a difference in our industry. Below are the many ways you can get involved.
Save the date for
Prepare for an unforgettable day in Sacramento, where over 2,000 dedicated REALTORS® convene at the Capitol for C.A.R.'s highly anticipated Legislative Day.
Come in a night early to attend the REALTOR® Block Party on Tuesday, April 29th!
It's a night of socializing and REALTOR® celebration you won't want to miss!
Note: Click on the heading text to expand or collapse accordion panels.
Listen to our new Unlocking California Politics Podcast here.
Unlocking California Politics Podcast is your resource for politics, legislation, housing policy, and housing news from the California Association of REALTORS®.
We stand together and vote, act and invest with one voice. The REALTOR Party of California's Advocacy Resource Guide offers a comprehensive, easy-to-search view of the resources, tools, and technical assistance readily available for you to create and sustain successful advocacy programs.
Click here to access State & Federal Political Coordinators.
Virtual Advocate Free E-Newsletter
If you are not already on the distribution list for C.A.R.'s FREE Virtual Advocate e-mail newsletter, please sign up now. C.A.R. will send this FREE e-mail update to you every other Friday. Packed with the latest information and updates on the most important happenings in politics and government, this is a must for any REALTOR® who wants to stay informed. The newsletter reports on important developments in politics, legislation and public policy that affect the real industry. Issues are reported from Washington D.C., Sacramento and localities throughout California.
Please send an email, marked "sign-up" to Rick Laezman at [email protected], and he will make sure you start receiving this important newsletter. See the latest edition of the Virtual Advocate newsletter. Members of C.A.R.'s public policy and political affairs committees, PAC Trustees, Local Association Executive Officers and Government Affairs Directors, Key Contacts and Federal Coordinators, and Legislative Liaisons automatically receive this newsletter. If you are one of the above there is no need for you to sign up.
Invite a C.A.R. Government Affairs Field Rep to your office or association!
Government Affairs Field Representatives are available to visit you, your brokerage, or your local association. They provide you with important information regarding how to promote and get politically involved. Field Representatives are additionally available to assist with: LCRC Training, LGR Training, New Member Orientation, Campaign School, Legislative Updates, RAF, Local advocacy and member mobilization strategies, New GAD Training, Voter Registration—now above 80%, NAR REALTOR® Party Grants assistance, and more!
Download the Field Map below to find your Field Rep!
We know your resources are important to you. Here’s a compiled list of useful tools we recommend:
Visit the link above to see how REALTORS® mobilized and successfully defeated Proposition 33!
View our Purple Pulse series to read all about essential housing topics in California.
2024 General Election Resource Kit
View our 2024 General Election Resource Kit via the link above.
Visit the link above to watch us dispel common housing myths.
Dear Homeowner Postcard
Ask your Field Representative today for a supply of postcards!
Follow us on Twitter
For more updates on our Government Affairs efforts, follow us on Twitter at @CARgovaffairs.
Interactive Market Stats
Gain insights on California's housing market through interactive dashboards. Select your metrics and see where the data takes you. Click here for more information.